The Gin Blossom Cocktail is a fruity and floral variation on the Martini created by Julie Reiner’s of the Clover Club in Brooklyn.
The classic gin Martini gets a fruity and subtle floral variation in Julie Reiner’s cocktail with bianco vermouth combined with apricot eau de vie. The stirred drink is served in a Nick & Nora glass and garnished with an expressed orange peel.
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Gin Blossom Cocktail Recipe
- 45ml gin
- 20ml bianco vermouth
- 20ml apricot eau de vie
- 2 dashes orange bitters
Glassware: Nick & Nora glass
Garnish: orange peel
In a mixing glass, add gin, bianco vermouth, apricot eau de vie, orange bitters over ice and stir until chilled. Strain into a chilled Nick & Nora glass, express orange peel and garnish.
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